Filing Flights
- ICAO Surveillance Code Setup Guide
- ICAO Equipment and PBN Code Setup Guide
- How is the preflight briefing format changed between Graphical or PDF?
- ICAO Filing with ForeFlight: Quick Reference Guide
- How can a latitude and longitude waypoint be filed?
- Which model or type designation should be used for an aircraft when filing a flight plan?
- How can a flight plan be canceled in ForeFlight Mobile?
- When can IFR flight plans be filed, canceled, or amended?
- Does ForeFlight provide Expected Departure Clearance Time (EDCT) messages?
- How to Find the Washington D.C. SFRA Gates in ForeFlight Mobile?
- How are Special Departure Procedures (SDP) filed in ForeFlight Mobile?
- Why might an Australian flight plan be rejected?
- Why might an Icelandic flight plan be rejected?
- Why are there options to select FAA/Domestic or ICAO when creating a flight plan?
- What are Expected Routes in ForeFlight?
- In which geographic regions can Delay and Stay be used in a flight plan?
- How can a flight plan be amended in ForeFlight Mobile?
- How can a Remark be added to a flight plan in ForeFlight?
- How long are flight plans kept on file with ForeFlight?
- How can a ZFR (Z VFR to IFR) flight plan be filed in ForeFlight Mobile?
- How can a YFR (Y IFR to VFR) flight plan be filed in ForeFlight Mobile?
- How can an en route Stay be filed?
- Which filing form should be used for military flight planning?
- How can a VFR (DC SFRA) flight plan be filed for pattern work?
- Why might ATC not have a filed flight plan on file?
- What's the difference between the "Cleared as filed" vs "Expected Route"?
- How should an aircraft be set up to file IFR flight plans in Australia?
- Is it possible to file an international ICAO flight plan using ForeFlight?
- Where should a permit number be entered in the ICAO flight plan form?
- What should done if the error message “Surveillance Equipment (ICAO): 'B1' is invalid” appears?