An expected route is the route likely—but not guaranteed—to be issued by ATC. Occasionally, ATC may make last-minute changes, often in the departure phase of the route.
When ATC updates a route for a flight filed with ForeFlight, a pop-up notification appears.
Sample Expected Route Update Notification
The options given are the following:
- CANCEL: Keeps the original filed flight plan unchanged; no updates will appear on the Flights view.
- UPDATE: Replace the route in ForeFlight with the expected route, updating performance values accordingly. Both the expected and filed routes will be displayed in the flight view. This action does not amend the route on file with ATC.
Managing Clearance and Route Changes
When receiving clearance:
- If it matches the expected route, no further action is needed.
- If it matches the filed route, select the USE button next to the Filed route to revert to the original route and refresh performance values.
- If the clearance differs from both the expected and filed routes, manually edit the route in ForeFlight to match the issued clearance to refresh performance values.
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