- What do the colors of the Flight Category dots mean?
- What do the colors of weather report (METAR) ages mean?
- How can Takeoff Minimums, Obstacle Departure Procedures (ODP), or Diverse Vector Areas be viewed?
- How can Airport 3D View imagery be saved for offline viewing at airports not in the route of flight?
- Why aren't some FAA airport diagrams geo-referenced?
- Why might Instrument Procedures not be visible for a Private Airport?
- Why is the Chart Supplement still referred to as the Airport and Facilities Directory (A/FD)?
- What does the "‡" symbol next to a time listing in the A/FD mean?
- How can sunrise and sunset times be determined for an airport?
- How can ForeFlight Mobile’s time setting be changed between Local Time, Station Time, and Zulu Time?
- Does the Area Forecast Discussion feature mention TAFs?
- How can custom plates be added using the "Bring Your Own Plates" (BYOP) feature?
- How is airport pattern altitude on the Airports page determined?
- How can Canadian VFR Terminal Procedures Charts (TPC) be viewed?
- How often do various data types update in ForeFlight (Weather, NOTAMs, TFRs) when connected to the internet?
- What is your source for METAR weather information in the USA?
- What is the coverage area of the Model Output Statistics (MOS) feature?
- Why does the crosswind component look incorrect?
- How can it be determined if an airport is an Airport of Entry?
- How are IFR alternate minimums viewed in ForeFlight Mobile?