Importing user content files via iTunes is more involved than other methods, and importing can only be done with one device at a time. The advantage of this method is that it can be performed without an internet connection or email access.
The following video walks through the process of importing KML/KMZ files via iTunes.
NOTE: The video does not discuss the User Content tab in ForeFlight because it was made before the tab was introduced.
Steps for Importing via iTunes on a Windows PC
STEP 1: Plug the iPad or iPhone into the computer via the Apple USB cord.
STEP 2: Start iTunes on the computer or wait for it to start automatically.
STEP 3: Inside iTunes, click on the iPad or iPhone icon. The connected device icon is near the top left of the iTunes screen.
STEP 4: Click on the File Sharing listing on the left of the device window. iTunes should then show all of the apps installed on the device.
STEP 5: Scroll through the apps and click on ForeFlight. A table called ForeFlight Documents will appear on the right.
STEP 6: Drag the user content files and drop them onto the ForeFlight Documents table. While the files are copied to the device, a brief 'Sync in Progress' message will be displayed on the device.
STEP 7: Open ForeFlight Mobile.
MBTiles, KMZ, or KML files with more than just points will automatically be added to the "User Charts" or "User Map Layers" lists.
If KML or KMZ files are imported with only points, ForeFlight will ask whether to import the file as a "User Map Layer" or "User Waypoints." Choose one, and the file will be added to the appropriate list.
Newly imported "User Charts" and "User Map Layers" will appear at the bottom of the layer selector on the left and right sides, respectively. The names of the new charts or layers will be the same as the file name without the extension. Tap on a chart or layer to display it on the map.
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