Importing user content via email or hyperlinks allows importing files to more than one device at a time. File types that can be imported are:
- .kml
- .kmz
- .mbtiles files
To send and import user content via email, follow these steps:
STEP 1: Start a new email
STEP 2: Attach one or more user content files to an email.
STEP 3: Send the email to the intended recipient(s).
STEP 4: On the receiving device, open the email in the Apple Mail app.
STEP 5: Tap on the file attachment to import. A preview of the file will open.
STEP 6: Tap the Share button
STEP 7: Scroll through the app row until ForeFlight Mobile is seen.
STEP 8: Tap ForeFlight. ForeFlight will open.
If importing a .kml or .kmz file that includes more than just points (like lines or shapes), ForeFlight Mobile will add the file to User Map Layers automatically. But if the file only has points, ForeFlight will ask whether to import the file as a User Map Layer or as User Waypoints. Once a selection is made, ForeFlight will put the file in the right place.
If importing a .mbtiles file, ForeFlight will display a message that the import was successful and add the file to your list of User Charts.
NOTE: The process above can also be used to import .kml or .kmz files from webpage hyperlinks. From an iPad or iPhone, tap on the hyperlink, then tap More... Scroll through the app list until ForeFlight is seen. Tap on ForeFlight to import the file.
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