Yes, ForeFlight Mobile and ForeFlight on the Web show Organized Track Systems (OTS) for pilots using these routes. Available to Performance Plus and Business Performance subscribers, ForeFlight displays the following two track systems:
- North Atlantic Organized Track System (NAT-OTS)
- Pacific Organized Track System (PAC-OTS)
The tracks are color-coded by direction, with eastbound tracks in purple and westbound tracks in green. Zooming in on the start of a track reveals labels for the track's name, direction, and individual waypoint labels along the route.
To see Organized Tracks, do the following:
STEP 1. Open ForeFlight Mobile.
STEP 2. Go to the Maps page.
STEP 3. Select the Aeronautical map layer.
STEP 4. Select the Aeronautical map layer settings button.
STEP 5. Select the More Settings button (looks like three dots).
STEP 6. Turn the switch On next to Show Organized Tracks and select East or West to show.
STEP 7. Select Close in the upper left corner of the menu.
For a visual overview, watch the Organized Track Systems video below.
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