This article will go over how to create a KML/KMZ file for use in ForeFlight that has user waypoints defined by street addresses.
In this example, here are two addresses that will be used to create waypoints in a sample KML file:
1000 N Croatan Hwy, Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948
525 W 20th Ave, Oshkosh, WI 54902
Steps to Create a KML file of user waypoints
STEP1. Open Google Earth
STEP 2. Enter the address of your waypoint in the search box in the upper left and then select SEARCH.
Image 1. Search on the address of your user waypoint.
STEP 3. Right-click on the search result and select SAVE TO MY PLACES.
Image 2. Save the search result to MY PLACES.
STEP 4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for all other user waypoint addresses.
STEP 5. Right-click on MY PLACES in the PLACES section and select SAVE PLACE AS...
Image 3. Right-click on MY PLACES and select SAVE PLACE AS.
STEP 6. Name the file, select the destination to save the file to, and select the KML option from the drop-down.
Image 4. Name the file, select the destination, and choose the KML (or KMZ) file format.
You should now have a file like this: User Waypoints by Address.kml
STEP 7. Import the file into ForeFlight.
Image 5. The completed file imported into ForeFlight under MORE > USER CONTENT > USER MAP LAYERS.
Image 6. The user waypoints are shown on the Maps page.
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