To assist in troubleshooting Garmin devices like the Flight Stream 210, Flight Stream 510, GDL 60, or GTX-345, follow these steps to gather and send the necessary information:
STEP 1: Take Screenshots
Capture screenshots of the Devices page in ForeFlight Mobile to document the current configuration.
Learn to take screenshots
Refer to this guide: How can a screenshot be made of a view in ForeFlight Mobile? -
Connect the iPad to avionics
Ensure the iPad is connected to the Garmin device via Bluetooth. -
Open the Devices page
From within ForeFlight Mobile, navigate to More > Devices and capture a screenshot of the page showing the connected Garmin device.
The More > Devices View
STEP 2: Verify Device Attributes
Compare the displayed attributes seen in ForeFlight Mobile under More > Devices with the expected capabilities for the hardware configuration shown in the table below. If any expected attribute is missing, it may indicate an installation error or a required firmware update.
Device Combination | GPS | Attitude (AHRS) |
Pressure Altitude | ADS-B | Flight Plan Transfer |
Flight Stream 110 Alone |
X | X | X | X | X |
Flight Stream 110 With GDL88 or GDL84 |
✓ | X | X | ✓ | X |
Flight Stream 210 Alone |
X | ✓ | ✓ | X | X |
Flight Stream 210 With GNS or GTN Navigator |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | X | ✓ |
Flight Stream 210 With GNS or GTN Navigator AND GTX345 or GDL88 or GDL84 |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Flight Stream 510 Alone |
X | X | X | X | X |
Flight Stream 510 With GTN Navigator |
✓ | from a compatible flight deck or display | ✓ | X | ✓ |
Flight Stream 510 With GTN Navigator AND GTX345 or GDL88 or GDL84 |
✓ | from a compatible flight deck or display | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
GDL 60 Alone |
X | X | X | X | X |
GDL 60 With GTN Xi Navigator |
✓ | From a compatible flight deck or display | ✓ | X | ✓ |
GDL 60 With GTN Xi Navigator AND Compatible ADS-B In Source |
✓ | From a compatible flight deck or display | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
GTX345 Alone |
✓ | ✓ | X | ✓ | X |
GTX345 With GNS or GTN Navigator |
✓ | ✓ | X | ✓ | X |
GTX345 With GNS or GTN Navigator AND Flight Stream 210 |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
STEP 3: Capture Additional Screenshots
Take additional screenshots of the Garmin Connext information page under More > Devices. Tap on Garmin Connext on the Devices page and take 2-3 screenshots to include all details about the connected hardware.
STEP 4: Submit Information
Once the screenshots have been taken, do the following to submit a support request:
Prepare the email
Attach the screenshots and include a description of the issue. -
Send the email
Email the information to
If an existing support ticket is open, reply to the ticket and attach the screenshots.
Providing detailed screenshots and descriptions will help the Pilot Support Team diagnose and resolve the issue effectively.
Last Updated: