To calibrate the AHRS on a FlightStream 210 using ForeFlight Mobile, follow these steps:
- Connect the Flight Stream 210 to the iPad or iPhone.
- Open ForeFlight Mobile.
- Go to the Maps view.
- Tap the AHRS button in the top bar.
- Tap the AHRS Settings button (gear icon above the fullscreen button) in the attitude display. This action will activate the Zero Pitch & Bank mode, and a blue Done button will appear in the upper left corner.
- Adjust the aircraft so that it is straight and level, and then tap the Zero Pitch & Bank button to zero the display.
- Tap the Done button to save the AHRS calibration.
Calibrating AHRS for a Flight Stream 210
NOTE: Perform calibration during level, unaccelerated flight, or while stationary and level on the ground.
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