To file a flight plan that contains a set of coordinates, we recommend creating your route in the Route Editor on the Maps page and then use the "Send To" function to send the route to Flights. When you send your route to the Flights page, the latitude and longitude will be error checked and converted to the Degree Minute format for filing purposes.
You will need to enter the latitude and longitude in the Route Editor on the Maps page in one of the valid formats. Valid formats are listed below using 36°00'51.4"N / 75 40' 04.4"W, as an example:
DD.dd |
36.01°N/75.67°W |
36.01N/75.67W 36.01/-75.67 |
DD°MM’SS” | 36°00'51"N/75°40'04"W |
360051N/-0754004W 360051/-0754004 |
DD°MM’SSs” | 36°00'51.4"N/75°40'04.4"W |
3600514/-07540044 3600514N/07540044W |
DD° | 36°00.86'N/75°40.07' |
3600.86/-07540.07 3600.86N/07540.07W |
Here is a sample of a route entry using the MMDDSS format: KMQI 360051N0754004W KNTU
In this example using the DD°MM’SS” format, in the NavLog, enter the route as follows: KMQI 360051N/0754004W KNTU. When complete, use the SEND TO button and select FLIGHTS. The planned route will be entered into the flight plan form and the latitude and longitude will be properly formatted for filing.
Note: Most GPS and FMS use a default format similar to DD which displays Degrees and Minutes and tenths, hundredths or thousandths of a minute. The closest display format available in ForeFlight is and you will find it easiest to compare latitude longitude if you set this display format.
Image 1: Latitude and Longitude entered into NavLog on Maps page and displayed in the format chosen in the Settings section.
Image 2: Tap SEND TO and FlIGHTS to send the route to a flight plan form.
Image 3: Latitude and Longitude is displayed in flight plan form and has been automatically reformatted for filing purposes.
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