Follow these steps to troubleshoot Stratus when using it with ForeFlight Mobile:
Check Wi-Fi Connection
Ensure the device is connected to Stratus via Wi-Fi in the device's Settings app. "Unsecured Network" should appear under the Stratus Wi-Fi network name.
IMPORTANT: If a lock icon is visible next to the Wi-Fi icon and "Unsecured Network" does not appear, disable WPA2 Security in ForeFlight Mobile > More > Devices > Stratus > Wi-Fi Settings.
Update ForeFlight Mobile
Verify that the latest version of ForeFlight Mobile has been installed. Refer to the following to learn how to update the app.
How can the ForeFlight Mobile app be updated on a device
Verify ADS-B Tower Reception
Navigate to More > Devices, tap the connected Stratus, and check the Receiving From line. Ensure one or more stations are shown when airborne in an ADS-B coverage area. If no stations are received in flight, reposition the Stratus for better tower reception.
Confirm Device Date and Time Settings
Go to Settings > General > Date & Time on the iPad or iPhone. Ensure the Set Automatically option is enabled to maintain accurate date, time, and timezone settings.
These steps help address common issues with Stratus connectivity and functionality in ForeFlight Mobile.
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