The Profile Corridor may become segmented when two waypoints are less than 2 nm apart. In these cases, the corridor cannot maintain its uniform shape, resulting in visible separation between individual legs with rounded ends. This creates a narrower region for detecting the highest terrain and obstacle points.
Profile Corridor is beginning to separate between close waypoints.
Effects of a Segmented Profile Corridor
The following should be considered when experiencing a segmented profile corridor:
- Narrowed Detection Area: For each leg's highest-point markers, only terrain and obstacles within the visible corridor boundaries are considered.
- Potential Gaps: If the highest obstacle along a leg falls in the gap between corridor segments, it will not be identified.
- Thinner Corridors Exacerbate the Effect: When the Corridor Width is set to 1/2 nm (via Hazard Settings), the corridor may completely split around short legs, leaving gaps where no terrain or obstacles are evaluated.
Profile Corridor does not search for the highest terrain/obstacle points in the gap.
Terrain and Obstacle Detection Outside the Corridor
While in flight, terrain and obstacles near the aircraft are displayed within the ownship detection radius. Before flight, use the Hazard Advisor slider in the Profile view to visualize terrain and obstacles, including those located between segmented Profile Corridor sections.
Use the Hazard Advisor slider to see obstacles between Profile Corridor segments.
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