Adding Tails or Simulators via the Add Tails or Sims Interface
To add tails or simulators to an organization, follow these steps:
- Log into the CloudAhoy Organization Manager.
- Select the Tails tab.
- Select the Add Tails or Sims button.
- Fill in the fields for each tail or simulator to add. The Tail Number field is required. Aircraft Type and ID fields are optional.
- Select Next.
- Review the tails or simulators to be added.
- Select Finish.
- Select Close in the Tails Added confirmation.
Adding Tails or Simulators via CSV File
When adding tails or simulators via a CSV file, the file must be formatted correctly.
CSV File Formatting
When formatting a CSV file, the following items are required:
- The first line must contain a header line with field names (tail, type, id, sim).
- The tail field. (aircraft registration number or an identifier for a simulator)
- The sim field for simulators. (Y for a simulator or N if not a simulator)
The following items are optional:
- The type field. (i.e., C172 for a Cessna 172)
- The id field.
Below are examples of CSV file data.
Example 1: A file with the minimum information needed adding three tails.
tail N1234A N1234B N1234C
Example 2: A file used to add two simulators.
Example 3: A file with all the fields used for three tails and two simulators.
tail,type,id,sim N1234A,C172,1234ABCD,N N1234B,DA42,ABCD1234,N N1234C,P28A,AB1234CD,N SIMULATOR-01,C172,XYZ987,Y SIMULATOR-02,SR20,987XYZ,Y
Uploading the CSV File
To add tails or simulators to an organization with a CSV file, follow these steps:
- Log into the CloudAhoy Organization Manager.
- Select the Tails tab.
- Select the Add Tails or Sims button.
- Select the Import from CSV File button.
- Select the File to import.
- Select Next.
- Review the tails or simulators to be added.
- Select Finish.
- Select Close in the Tails Added confirmation.
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