A Jeppesen chart subscription allows the activation and downloading of charts to a specific number of devices. A device takes up what is called a seat. If trying to add a Jeppesen coverage to ForeFlight on a device but no seats are available, consider the following options:
Deactivate coverage on another device. If the Jeppesen chart subscription allows downloading charts in EFB apps such as JeppFD, coverages can be deactivated to free up a seat and activate the coverage in ForeFlight. Learn more about deactivating a device linked to the Jeppesen coverage using these articles:
- Purchase additional seats from Jeppesen. Additional Jeppesen coverages or seats can be purchased from Jeppesen. This option may benefit those who do not want to remove a device from their account or if the Jeppesen subscription only covers installed panel avionics. See this article to learn about purchasing additional seats from Jeppesen:
- Purchase Jeppesen coverage through ForeFlight. Additional Jeppesen coverage can be purchased from ForeFlight. Learn more on our ForeFlight + Jeppesen webpage.
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