The nearest airport can be located in ForeFlight Mobile using the following methods:
- Touch and hold on the map in the Maps view.
- View the Nearest Instrument in the Maps view.
- Use the Nearest button on the Airports page.
Touch and Hold on the Map in the Maps View
To find the nearest airport by touch-holding on the map, do the following:
- Open ForeFlight Mobile.
- Select Maps.
- Touch and hold on to the position icon. A pop-over will appear.
- Tap the Airports filter button at the bottom of the pop-over. A list of the closest airports will appear, ordered by proximity.
View the Nearest Instrument in the Maps View
To find the nearest airport on the Maps view using the Nearest instrument, do the following:
- Open ForeFlight Mobile.
- Select Maps.
- Tap the Instruments button (it looks like a speedometer). The instruments bar will appear at the bottom of the map.
- Tap an instrument to replace it in the Instruments bar. A pop-over will appear.
- Scroll through the instruments list and select Nearest Airport. The instrument will be added to the Instruments bar. It shows the ID of the nearest airport and the direction and distance from that airport.
Use the Nearest button on the Airports Page
To find the nearest airport on the Maps view, do the following:
- Open ForeFlight Mobile.
- Select Maps.
- Select the Airports page.
- Tap the Nearest button (looks like crosshairs) in the upper-right corner.
- Scroll through the list of nearby weather stations and airports.
- Tap the name of the airport of interest.
- Tap the Show on Map button (to the left of the Nearest button) to view the airport location on the map.
IMPORTANT: On the Airports page, the button labeled "Nearby Airports" under Airports > Info > Nearby shows the nearest airports relative to the airport currently shown.
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