The Procedure Advisor in ForeFlight Mobile allows for adding or replacing various procedures in a route. Access it from the Maps view by doing the following:
- Tap the FPL button.
- Select the Edit button.
- Enter an airport or route.
- Tap Procedures. Options are listed to add the following procedure types:
- Departure procedures (SID)
- Arrival procedures (STAR)
- Approaches
- VFR traffic patterns
- Search & Rescue (SAR) patterns
- Holding Pattern
To close the Procedure Advisor window and return to the Maps view, tap Close or tap anywhere not on the Procedure Preview window.
- Departures, Arrivals, Approaches, and Traffic Patterns require at least one airport in the Route Editor.
- SAR patterns can be added without an airport.
- Holding patterns require at least one waypoint.
Departure or Arrival
To insert a Departure or Arrival procedure in a route, do the following:
1. Tap the Procedures button.
2. Tap Departure or Arrival to display available SIDs or STARs on an inset map.
3. Pan and zoom the map to explore options. Aircraft type restrictions are indicated with color-coded tags: Piston, Turboprop, or Jet.
4. Select a procedure from the list to view available transitions.
5. Choose a transition and runway (if required).
6. Tap Add to Route.
NOTE: If a Pro Plus or Performance Plus subscription includes Jeppesen coverage, georeferenced SIDs/STARs are displayed.
To modify a selected procedure:
1. In the Flight Plan Editor (FPL), select the Edit button.
2. Tap the colored Departure or Arrival oval.
3. Choose Change Departure/Arrival.
To insert an approach procedure in a route, do the following:
1. Tap the Procedures button.
2. Tap Approach to view available approaches. Runways with favorable winds (based on the latest METAR) have a Best Wind label. If affected by a NOTAM, a red tag is displayed on the Approach line. Tap the label View Alert NOTAMs > at the top of the list for details.
3. Select an Approach to preview available IAFs (Initial Approach Fixes).
4. Choose an IAF from the list.
5. Tap Add to Route.
- Pro Plus & Performance Plus subscribers: The approach plate is automatically displayed and added to the map.
- Performance Plus subscribers: Enhanced Approach Procedure Markers show IAF and FAF waypoints with crossing speeds and altitudes.
Enhanced approach procedure markers.
To modify an approach, tap the Procedure button and select a new approach or IAF.
Visual Approach
Visual Approaches are available in both the Approach and Traffic Pattern menus. To add a visual approach, do the following:
1. Tap Procedure.
2. Select Approach.
3. Select the Visual Approach for the desired runway.
4. Set the Pattern Altitude in MSL or AGL (select from a list or enter manually).
5. Select the pattern entry.
6. Tap Add to Route.
Traffic Pattern
To display VFR traffic patterns for the airport at the end of the current route, do the following:
1. Tap Procedure.
2. Select the Traffic Pattern for the destination airport. Runways with favorable winds (based on the latest METAR) have a Best Wind label. If affected by a NOTAM, a red tag is displayed. Tap the label View Alert NOTAMs > at the top of the view for details.
3. Select a runway.
4. Set the Pattern Altitude in MSL or AGL (select from a list or enter manually).
5. Choose a pattern entry option (e.g., Cross Midfield, Straight-In).
6. Select Add to Route.
NOTE: Traffic patterns are automatically removed when specific route edits are made, such as reversing the route.
Search and Rescue
Search and Rescue (SAR) patterns can also be inserted on the iPad using the Procedure button (when the SAR Features setting is On in More > Settings) by doing the following:
1. Tap Procedure.
2. Select Search and Rescue.
3. Select the Pattern Type.
4. Complete the required fields.
5. Select Add to Route.
For more details about Search and Rescue features, see the ForeFlight Search and Rescue Guide in Documents > Drive > ForeFlight.
Holding Patterns
A holding pattern can be added to a route by doing the following:
1. Tap Procedure.
2. Select Holding Pattern. The hold is placed at the waypoint preceding the destination or at the destination if the route is direct to an airport.
3. Change the Fix if needed.
4. Complete the holding definitions.
5. Select Add to Route. The Hold Advisor automatically determines the correct direct, parallel, or teardrop entry based on flight direction.
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