Yes, ForeFlight supports FLARM traffic display on the map when connected to a compatible FLARM-enabled receiver. FLARM (flight alarm) provides air-to-air traffic awareness within a 10 km range, displaying nearby aircraft information such as heading, speed, and altitude.
ForeFlight supports FLARM with the following devices:
Sentry Plus - ForeFlight Mobile version 14.5 and later supports FLARM traffic display from the Sentry Plus. A FLARM decoding license must be purchased to use this feature. More information is available at
uAvionix SkyEcho2 - Available in Europe, ForeFlight Mobile version 11.5 and later supports FLARM traffic from the uAvionix SkyEcho2. The device includes FLARM and ADS-B receivers. A FLARM decoding license is required.
FLARM via NMEA or GDL90 - With ForeFlight Mobile version 11.7 and later, FLARM traffic information can be received via the GDL90 protocol (Europe only) or FLARM NMEA messages. Supported FLARM messages include PFLAU and PFLAA for traffic and GPRMC, GPGGA, and GPGSA for GPS. An adapter may be needed to convert NMEA data for compatibility with the iPad.
PowerFLARM - ForeFlight supports PowerFLARM through the air-avionics air-connect WiFi module when hosted at IP address on TCP Port 2000.
Using these devices, ForeFlight can enhance situational awareness by displaying FLARM traffic, alerting pilots to nearby aircraft and potential collision risks.
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