Flight time logged to meet the FAA Commercial ASEL requirements under FAR §141 Appendix D should be logged as follows:
120 hours of flight time
Log 120+ hours in ASEL or ASES.
Simulator time allowed:
up to 36 hours combined:
- BATD, AATD, or FTD - 24 hours maximum.
- FFS - 36 hours maximum.
up to 36 hours combined:
Simulator time allowed:
55 hours of flight training
Log 55+ hours of Dual Received.
- Aircraft is not a simulator.
10 hours of simulated instrument training
Log 10+ hours of Simulated Instrument.
- Time is logged as Dual Received.
- Aircraft is not a simulator.
- Log Total Time and PIC in conjunction with the above.
5 hours of simulated instrument training
Log 5+ hours of Simulated Instrument.
- Time is logged as Dual Received.
- Time is logged in an Aircraft Single Engine.
- Aircraft is not a simulator.
- Log Total Time and PIC in conjunction with the above.
10 hours training in complex, turbine, TAA, or any combination
Log 10+ hours in any combination of complex, turbine, or TAA.
- Time is logged as Dual Received.
Time logged in an aircraft that meets any one of the following criteria:
- Complex
- Engine Type is any of the following: turbofan, jet, turbojet, turboprop, or turboshaft.
- Aircraft is not a simulator.
One 2-hour day cross-country training flight with a total straight-line distance greater than 100nm in a single-engine airplane
Log 2+ hours as Cross-Country.
- Time is logged as Daytime.
- Time is logged as Dual Received.
- Time is logged as PIC.
- The entry contains a waypoint in the route that is >100 nm from the departure airport.
- A day takeoff and landing is logged.
- Time is logged in an Aircraft ASEL or ASES.
- Aircraft must not be a simulator.
One 2-hour night cross-country training flight with a total straight-line distance greater than 100nm in a single-engine airplane
Log 2+ hours as Cross-Country.
- Time is logged as Night Time.
- Time is logged as Dual Received.
- Time is logged as PIC.
- The entry contains a waypoint in the route that is >100 nm from the departure airport.
- A night takeoff and landing is logged.
- Time is logged in an Aircraft ASEL or ASES.
- Aircraft must not be a simulator.
3-hours of checkride prep
Log 3+ hours as a checkride prep within 60 days.
- Time is logged as Dual Received.
- Time is logged in an Aircraft ASEL or ASES.
- Aircraft must not be a simulator.
10 hours of solo time or 10 hours of flight time performing the duties of pilot in command with an authorized instructor on board.
- Log a total of at least 10 hours that includes the following (Do not log Dual Received hours):
One 300 nm cross-country flight in a single-engine airplane, with full-stop landings at three points and one point at least 250nm from the departure point.
Log a single entry with the following:
- Time logged as Cross-Country.
- Time logged as Solo or PIC. If logged as PIC with an Instructor, add the instructor to Crew & Passengers.
- Entry Includes 3 or more airports.
- Landing logged is at least 3.
- Total Route Distance logged is at least 300nm.
- A destination is at least 250nm from the departure airport.
- The aircraft logged is ASEL or ASES.
- Aircraft is not a simulator.
Log a single entry with the following:
5 hours of night solo in VFR conditions in single-engine airplanes
Log 5+ hours of Night under VFR (no actual or simulated instrument time).
- Time logged as Solo or PIC. If logged as PIC with an Instructor, add the instructor to Crew & Passengers.
- The aircraft logged is ASEL or ASES.
- Aircraft is not a simulator.
Log 5+ hours of Night under VFR (no actual or simulated instrument time).
One 300 nm cross-country flight in a single-engine airplane, with full-stop landings at three points and one point at least 250nm from the departure point.
10 night takeoffs and 10 night landings at an airport with an operating control tower
- Log Total Time hours.
- Time logged as Solo or PIC. If logged as PIC with an Instructor, add the instructor to Crew & Passengers.
- Log Night hours.
- Log Night Takeoffs and Night Landings.
- Ensure a towered airport is included in the From, To, or Route fields.
- The aircraft logged is ASEL or ASES.
- Aircraft is not a simulator.
10 night takeoffs and 10 night landings at an airport with an operating control tower
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