Flight time logged to meet the FAA Private ASEL requirements under FAR §141 Appendix B(3) should be logged as follows:
Flight Time
35 Hours Flight Time
- Log 35+ hours Total Time.
- Time is logged in an Aircraft ASEL.
- Simulated Flight time is counted when Dual Received time is also logged.
- Simulator time allowed:
up to 7 hours combined:
- FFS - 7 hours maximum.
- BATD, AATD, or FTD - 5.2 hours maximum.
up to 7 hours combined:
5 Hours of Solo cross country
- Log 5+ hours of Cross-Country time.
- Time is logged in an Aircraft ASEL.
- Aircraft is not a simulator.
3 hours of Instruments Time
- Log 3+ hours of instrument time logged as actual or simulated.
- Time is logged in an Aircraft ASEL.
Flight Time Logged as Dual Received
The following requirements must be logged as Dual Received.
20 Hours of Flight Training
- Aircraft is not a simulator.
3 hours of cross-country flight training
- Log a minimum of 3 hours as Cross-Country as Dual-Received.
- Time is logged in an Aircraft ASEL.
- Aircraft is not a simulator.
3 hours of night flight training
- Log a minimum of 3 hours of Night flight time.
- Time is logged in an Aircraft ASEL.
- Simulator time is not counted.
10 night takeoff and full-stop landings
- Log 10+ night takeoff and landings to a full stop.
- Time is logged in an Aircraft ASEL.
- The entry contains an airport in the departure, destination, or route fields.
- Aircraft is not a simulator.
Night cross-country training flight
- Log Night cross-country time.
- Flight distance logged is greater than 100nm.
The entry includes one leg of 50nm.
- Time is logged in an Aircraft ASEL.
- Simulator time is not counted.
3 hours of flight training within the preceding 60 days
- Log 3+ hours within the preceding 60 days.
- Time is logged in an Aircraft ASEL.
- Simulator time is not counted.
Flight Time Logged as Solo
The following requirements must be logged as solo time.
5 hours of Solo Flight Time
- Log 5+ hours as solo time.
- Time is logged in an Aircraft ASEL.
- Simulator time is not counted.
“Long” Cross-Country Flight Requirements
- Log a single entry as a Cross-Country flight.
- Time is logged as Solo time.
- At least three landings are logged in the entry.
- The entry must have at least three airports in the departure, destination, and route fields.
- The entry total route distance must be at least 100nm.
- The entry must Include one leg of 50nm.
- Time is logged in an Aircraft ASEL.
- Simulator time is not counted.
3 takeoffs and 3 full-stop landings solo at a towered airport
- Three takeoffs must be logged.
- Time is logged as Solo time.
- Three landings to a full stop must be logged.
- The logged entry contains a towered airport.
- Time is logged in an Aircraft ASEL.
- Simulator time is not counted.
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