Winds aloft can be viewed in ForeFlight Mobile from the following Views:
Airports View
To view winds aloft information on the Airports page:
- Tap the Airports tab.
- Find the airport of interest.
- Select the Weather Tab.
- Select the Winds button.
Maps View
Winds Aloft is available on the Maps page by selecting the Winds (Speed) or the Winds Aloft map layers. The effects of winds aloft for a route can be seen using the Altitude Advisor in the FPL Editor.
Winds (Speed) Map Layer
To see winds aloft over a large area of the map:
- Open the Maps page.
- Tap the Map Layer selector at the top left corner of the Maps view.
- Select the Winds (Speeds) map layer.
With the Winds (Speeds) layer displayed, set the altitude on the right side of the screen. Use the time slider to view wind speed forecasts are various times.
Winds Aloft Map Layer
To see winds aloft over a large area of the map:
- Open the Maps page.
- Tap the Map Layer selector at the top left corner of the Maps view.
- Select the Winds Aloft map layer.
With the Winds Aloft layer displayed, set the altitude on the right side of the screen. Altitudes are in 3,000-foot increments from 3000 feet to FL540.
Tap a wind barb icon to see the winds aloft reported at that altitude. Forecasted winds aloft are depicted up to 6 hours into the future for the altitude selected.
FPL Editor
To view winds aloft information on the Maps page using the Altitude Advisor:
- Go to the Maps page.
- Tap the FPL button.
- Select the Edit button in the FPL viewer.
- Enter a route.
- Tap the Altitude Advisor button.
Imagery View
To view Winds Aloft images
- Open the Imagery page.
- Select the desired region.
- Scroll to the Winds Aloft section of the sidebar to view available image sets.
NOTE: Not all regions have winds aloft imagery. If flight operations are near another region, look at the nearby region images to see if there is an overlap in the area of operation.
Flights View
Winds aloft information can be obtained on the Flights view by briefing a flight. The effects of winds aloft for a route of flight can be seen by tapping the Altitude Advisor button.
Flight Briefing
Two types of briefings are available to users: Graphical (HTML) and Graphical (PDF). Winds aloft are provided differently in each briefing type.
Graphical (HTML) Briefing
In Graphical (HTML) briefings, winds aloft are found within a briefing in the Forecast section under:
- Vis, Sfc. Winds & Precip
- Wind Chart
- Vertical Cross Section Chart
- Winds Aloft Table
To see the different charts, open the Flights view and tap the Briefing button at the top of the screen to brief the flight. In the menu on the left, scroll to the Forecasts section.
Graphical (PDF) Briefing
In Graphical (PDF) briefings, winds aloft can be found in the following charts:
- Vertical Cross Section Chart
- Wind/Temp/Turb Chart
To see the charts, open the Flights view and tap the Briefing button at the top of the screen to brief the flight. Scroll to view the desired chart.
Flights Altitude Advisor
On the Flights page, when the Cruise Altitude line is selected, the Altitude Advisor is presented to show the effects of winds aloft on the route of flight.
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