This article demonstrates how a complex aircraft weight and balance profile is formatted using a 2005 Citation Bravo Jet as an example.
To view the sample weight and balance profile in ForeFlight, copy the following link into an email, send it to the device with ForeFlight installed, and tap the link to open it in the app:
Key Features of the Citation Bravo Weight and Balance Profile
The following items are of note in the Citation Bravo weight and balance profile:
1. Stations
This profile includes 18 stations plus fuel, covering:
- Passenger seats (8 positions)
- Baggage areas (nose, aft cabin, tail forward, tail aft)
- Storage areas (bar, bookshelves, hanging storage)
Stations Used
2. Weight Limits
Multiple weight limits are defined for specific areas, including:
- Nose Storage: 350 lbs
- Aft Cabin Baggage: 600 lbs
- Tail Baggage Forward: 300 lbs
- Tail Baggage Aft: 200 lbs
Weight limits are displayed below the line description.
3. Fuel Moment Table
The Fuel Moment Table for this aircraft includes 49 entries, requiring precise input. Common mistakes include:
- Entering moment values divided by 100 or 1000 (common in Aircraft Flight Manuals). ForeFlight requires the full moment number for correct calculations.
- Attempting to enter arm values, which ForeFlight does not support.
Moment numbers from the manual must be multiplied by 100 for correct entry in the ForeFlight weight and balance profile.
4. CG Envelope
The CG Envelope graph and its limit points closely resemble those published in the Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM). Verify the CG envelope limit points and compare the graph to ensure accuracy.
Compare the graph and limit points with the AFM.
Tips for Setting Up Complex Weight and Balance Profiles
A complex weight and balance profile is similar to a simple profile, except there is more to enter. Here are some tips to consider when setting up a weight and balance profile:
- Double-check every entry for accuracy.
- Be sure the length and weight units are correctly set in the Units section.
- Be sure to convert values from the AFM if they have been divided by 100 or 1000.
- Compare the setup with the AFM, including station limits, moments, and CG Envelope.
- Use the provided sample profile as a reference for understanding how to set up or interact with complex aircraft profiles.
By reviewing this sample, users can gain insight into how detailed weight and balance profiles are created in ForeFlight Mobile.
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