Latitude/Longitude coordinates can be entered in the app anywhere a navigational waypoint is accepted and can be used when defining the location of user waypoints. This article describes supported coordinate formats and how to format coordinates for entry in ForeFlight Mobile.
Supported Latitude/Longitude Coordinate Formats
The following formats are supported for entering latitude/longitude coordinates within ForeFlight:
- Decimal Degrees (DD.dd)
- Degrees, Minutes, Seconds (DD°MM'SS)
- Degree Minutes (DD°
To change the format displayed within the ForeFlight app, go to More > Settings > Units/Time > Coordinates.
Formatting of latitude/longitude Coordinates
When entering latitude/longitude coordinates into ForeFlight Mobile, use the following formatting information:
- DD represents latitude and is always limited to two numbers (00-90).
- DDD represents longitude and is three numbers (000-180) long. If the longitude value is only two numbers, a leading zero must be used for all formats except for DD.dd, which can use a leading zero or have it omitted.
- dd represents decimal degrees (decimal fraction of a degree). This value will be between 00-99 when using two-digit resolution.
- MM represents minutes. MM values must be between 00 and 59 since minutes are sexagesimal (base 60).
- mm represents decimal minutes (00-99).
- SS represents seconds. SS values must be between 00 and 59 since seconds are sexagesimal (base 60).
Hemisphere Denoting of Latitude Coordinates
A latitude value between 0° and 90° is in the Northern Hemisphere. A latitude value between 0° and -90° is in the Southern Hemisphere.
When using letters to denote the latitude hemisphere, add N to the end of a Northern Hemisphere value (0° to 90°). Add S to the end of a Southern Hemisphere value (0° to -90°).
Example: 34°12'42" N would be 341242N in the DD°MM'SS" format.
If letters are not used, add nothing to the beginning of a latitude value in the Northern Hemisphere (0° to 90°). Add a minus (-) sign before a latitude value in the Southern Hemisphere (0° to -90°).
Example: 34°12'42" N would be 341242 in the DD°MM'SS" format
Northern and Southern Hemispheres relative to the equator
Meridian Denoting of Longitude Coordinates
A longitude value between 0° and 180° is East of the Prime Meridian. A longitude value between 0° and -180° is West of the Prime Meridian.
When using letters to denote the longitude meridian, add E (East) to the end of the longitude value that is East of the Prime Meridian (0° to 180°). Add W (West) to the end of a longitude value West of the Prime Meridian (0° to -180°).
Example: 118°29'44" W would be 1182944W in the DD°MM'SS" format.
If letters are not used, add nothing to the beginning of a longitude value East of the Prime Meridian (0° to 180°). Add a minus (-) sign before a longitude value West of the Prime Meridian (0° to -180°).
Example: 118°29'44" W would be -1182944 in the DD°MM'SS" format.
West and East of the Prime Meridian
Latitude/Longitude Entry Example
Here is an example that shows how the supported formats can be used to enter the following DD°MM'SS" latitude/longitude value into ForeFlight:
36°00'51"N / 75°30'04”W
NOTE: It is important to be aware of the available formats and the format used. If DD(D) °MM'SS is the current format, any number over 59 in the MM or SS positions will cause an error. Similarly, if DD(D) °MM'SS coordinates are entered, but DD.dd is the current format, the entered coordinates will appear in DD.dd format and be offset. The reverse is also true. If DD.dd coordinates are entered, but DD(D) °MM'SS is the current format, the coordinates will appear offset and in the DD(D) °MM'SS format.
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