To view course (CRS) instead of heading (HDG) in the NavLog on the Maps page, set the estimated time of departure (ETD) more than seven days in the future following these steps:
- Open ForeFlight Mobile.
- Tap the FPL button.
- Select the Edit button in the FPL viewer.
- Tap the ETD button on the lower right.
- Enter an ETD time that is more than seven days from now.
By doing this, Winds Aloft information, which is required for displaying HDG, will not be included. CRS information will be displayed in the NavLog.
ETD Button
NavLog Showing HDG information (Wind Corrected)
NavLog Showing CRS information (Not Wind Corrected)
NOTE: The criteria for Winds Aloft information to be used in the NavLog are:
- A true airspeed is entered.
- An altitude is selected in the Altitude Advisor.
- An estimated time of departure (ETD) within seven days is specified. If no time is provided, ForeFlight Mobile assumes an immediate departure.
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