Runway Analysis outputs include specific codes for both takeoff and landing performance metrics. Here's what each code represents:
Takeoff Outputs
Takeoff Thrust (N1, EPR) |
Static takeoff thrust setting based on aircraft and environmental conditions. |
V1 | Takeoff decision speed: the "go" or "stop" action point. |
VR | Rotation speed: the speed at which rotation is initiated. |
V2 | The takeoff safety speed reached 35 ft above the runway, which is the target climb speed with one engine inoperative. |
VFTO | Final takeoff speed; target climb speed during the final climb segment. |
VENR | Enroute climb speed after clearing obstacles. |
TOFL (Takeoff Field Length) | Distance required for takeoff as defined in the Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM). |
Accelerate-Stop | Distance from brake release through V1 and stopping after a rejected takeoff. |
Accelerate-Go | Distance from brake release through V1 and reaching 35 ft above the runway after rotation. |
1st/2nd Gradient | Climb gradient for the first and second climb segments. |
Level-Off MSL / Level-Off Alt | Target altitude to clear obstacles during a one-engine inoperative takeoff. |
Landing Outputs
VAPP | Approach speed: target speed during approach with approach flaps and gear up. |
VREF | Reference speed: achieved by 50 ft over the threshold with landing flaps and gear down. |
Actual Distance | Landing distance per AFM for the given surface condition. |
Factored Distance | Actual landing distance increased by a regulatory multiplier (e.g., 1.67 for dry runway dispatch). |
Approach/Landing Gradient | Gradient during approach or landing climb as defined by the AFM. |
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