An incorrect gear retraction moment value in the weight and balance profile may result in a significant center of gravity (CG) shift between takeoff and landing. When this occurs, large horizontal lines may appear next to the takeoff and landing values, often exceeding the aircraft's CG limits.
CG envelope with a significant shift
Gear Retraction Moment
The gear retraction moment reflects the CG change caused by raising or lowering the landing gear. A correct gear retraction moment should be displayed as a small horizontal shift near the takeoff and landing weights within the CG envelope.
Gear Retraction Moment Shift
Correcting the Weight & Balance Profile
To correct an incorrect gear retraction moment value, follow these steps:
- Open ForeFlight Mobile.
- Go to More > Aircraft.
- Scroll to the Weights section.
- Select the relevant Weight & Balance profile.
- Scroll to the bottom of the profile and verify the Gear Retraction Moment Change value.
- If necessary, update the value, ensuring that the weight and length units are accurate.
NOTE: The Gear Retraction Moment Change value is typically found in the aircraft's flight manual. If the value uses units different from those in ForeFlight, convert it before entering it into the profile.
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