Enhanced Weight & Balance updates the legacy Weight & Balance feature. It is designed to make Weight & Balance profile management easier and streamline preflight planning. The primary enhancements are:
Aircraft Association: Weight & Balance profiles are linked to Aircraft profiles, allowing editing within the Aircraft view.
Station Type Support: Provides the option to specify station types.
Complex Configurations: Supports multiple fuel tanks with variable (fuel moment table) or fixed arm options.
Performance-level plans (Performance Plus, Business Performance, and MFB Performance) will also add the following:
Flights Integration: Enhanced Weight & Balance integrates with the Flights view, automatically transferring payload values from the flight to the Weight & Balance profile for streamlined planning.
Enhanced Weight & Balance is enabled by default for Business and MFB customers. For other users, Enhanced Weight & Balance can be toggled on by following these steps:
STEP 1. Open ForeFlight Mobile.
STEP 2. Go to More > Account.
STEP 3. Select ForeFlight Labs.
STEP 4. Slide the switch On next to Enhanced Weight & Balance.
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