The Wind Chart from the HTML briefing and the Wind/Temp/Turb Chart from the PDF briefing are nearly identical and contain the following elements:
- En Route Altitude - The en route altitude is listed as a flight level (FL).
- Valid Time or Time - The flight's Estimated Time of Departure (ETD) and the time at which the weather forecast is valid.
- Data Source - Each chart lists information about the data source and the date and time when the weather data was reported.
- Latitude - Latitude values are added along the left and right borders of the chart.
- Longitude - Longitude values are added along the top and bottom borders of the chart.
- Wind Barbs - Wind barbs indicate the wind direction based on the forecast at the estimated time of departure. The barbed end is the "from" end, and the dotted end is the "to" end. The barbed end indicates wind speed as follows:
- An absence of barbs indicates calm winds.
- Short barbs indicate 5 knots of wind.
- Tall barbs indicate 10 knots of wind.
- Triangular (or pennants) barbs indicate 50 knots.
- Add the sum of the values represented by the barb symbols to determine the wind speed.
- Temperature - The temperature is displayed as negative degrees Celsius. If a plus sign (+) is presented next to the temperature value, the temperature is positive degrees Celsius. The temperature is based on the forecast at the estimated time of departure.
- Turbulence EDR - The PDF briefing adds turbulence information on the map. The turbulence EDR scale is at the bottom of the flight and forecast information box.
Sample Wind chart seen in a Graphical (HTML) flight briefing
Sample Wind/Temp/Turb chart seen in a PDF flight briefing
IMPORTANT: The Wind Chart provides a snapshot of forecast conditions at the flight's estimated time of departure over the entire route map. The depicted winds, temperatures, and turbulence forecasts become progressively outdated as time passes.
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