Prior to creating an entry for the "Simulated Flight", you will need to create a Logbook aircraft instance for the Simulator. You can do this by navigating to More > Logbook > Aircraft in ForeFlight Mobile and then tap on the + symbol at the top right.
By default, when the aircraft is created the Equipment Type will be listed as "Aircraft"
Tap Equipment Type and change the "Aircraft" Equipment Type to one of the Simulator options:
Although fewer details are needed for a Simulator, Represented Aircraft Type and Represented Aircraft Category/Class must be selected to ensure Currencies are properly updated:
Once all details for the newly created simulator have been filled out, you can then create the flight entry and reference the Full Flight Simulator (FFS), Flight Training Device (FTD), Basic Aircraft Training Device (BATD), or Advanced Aviation Training Device (AATD) in the Aircraft field.
NOTE: When entering the actual flight time in the Logbook, only enter data in the Simulated Flight, Simulated Instrument, and Dual Given/Received data fields. If you add Total Time, PIC, or any other data field, it will affect the total Flight hours in your logbook. If you do not see these fields in your selections, you can turn them on at More > Logbook > Settings > Configure Fields.
If you have a Simulator that you need to update, check out our Support Center article on how to seamlessly update your Simulator.
Last Updated: