To import a MyFlightbook logbook into ForeFlight Mobile, follow these steps:
STEP 1: Log into the MyFlightbook account.
STEP 2: Select the Logbook Page. A dropdown menu will be presented.
STEP 3: Select Download.
STEP 4: Select CSV File.
STEP 5: Open ForeFlight on the Web.
STEP 6: Select the Logbook button in the left-hand menu.
STEP 7: Select the Import tab.
STEP 8: Drag and drop the MyFlightBook CSV file into the import area or upload using the Browse Files option.
STEP 9: Select Import to Logbook.
NOTE: If there are warnings, the logbook can still be imported. However, take note of what may be omitted. If those items omitted are critical, consider transferring the logbook data into the ForeFlight Logbook template.
STEP 10: Once the import is done, select the Logbook Aircraft tab. Aircraft that need more details will have an icon resembling a triangle with an exclamation mark.
STEP 11: Aircraft that need more details will have an icon resembling a triangle with an exclamation mark. Click on an aircraft that needs details added.
STEP 12: Correct the items highlighted in the aircraft profile. Typically, the Make and Engine Type fields have to be updated.
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