To resolve weather display issues in ForeFlight Mobile when connected to the SXAR1, follow these troubleshooting steps:
STEP 1: Verify Bluetooth Pairing
- Open the Settings app on the iPad or iPhone.
- Tap Bluetooth and ensure it is On.
- Confirm that the SXAR1 appears under My Devices as “SXM_########” (Radio ID on the bottom of the SXAR1 unit).
- If the SXAR1 does not appear, ensure the unit is powered on and follow the SXAR1 pairing instructions.
- If SXAR1 shows “Not Connected,” ensure it is powered on or closer to the iPad. Tap the entry to connect.
STEP 2: Select Weather Layers in ForeFlight
Once confirmed that the device is connected via Bluetooth, check the weather layers:
- Open the Maps page.
- Tap the layer selector in the upper-left corner.
- Choose the desired weather overlay options on the right side of the drop-down menu.
These steps should help restore weather data from the SXAR1 in ForeFlight Mobile.
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