Currency in ForeFlight is calculated based on flight activity, qualifying events (e.g., IPC), and properly configured aircraft profiles. If the displayed currency is incorrect, follow these steps to resolve the issue:
Steps to Resolve Currency Discrepancies
1. Aircraft Profiles: Ensure complete and accurate aircraft profiles are set up for each aircraft in the logbook:
- Category/Class: Assign the correct category and class in the app under More > Logbook > Aircraft > [Select the aircraft] > Category/Class.
- Example: A Caravan on floats should be “Airplane Single Engine Sea (ASES).”
- Example: A Citation should be “Airplane Multi Engine Land (AMEL).”
- Gear Type: Select the correct gear type in the app under More > Logbook > Aircraft > [Select the aircraft] > Gear Type.
- Example: A Piper Cub would be “Fixed Tailwheel (FC).”
- Example: A Mooney would be “Retractable Tricycle (RT).”
2. Landings: Verify landing counts in recent flight entries. Ensure the correct number of landings are logged in the app under More > Logbook > [Select the logbook entry] > Takeoffs & Landings.
3. Approaches/Holds: Instrument currency depends on approaches and holds logged within the last six months. Verify these entries in the logbook under More > Logbook > [Select the logbook entry] > Instrument Fields.
4. Qualifying Events: Mark events that reset or contribute to currency in the app under More > Logbook > [Select the logbook entry] > Tags.
- Example: use the “IPC” flight tag to log checkrides, IPCs, or ICCs.
5. Currency Summary: Airplane and ASEL currencies are shown by default. Add other currency types in the app under More > Logbook > Add Currency Summary.
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