To link a Dropbox account to ForeFlight, you must have a Pro Plus or higher subscription. To link your DropBox account, follow these steps:
1. Log in to your account on ForeFlight on the Web.
2. Select Documents from the sidebar.
3. Click Add a Cloud Drive.
4. Select DropBox as your Drive Provider.
5. Provide a Drive Name. (This is the name that appears in ForeFlight Documents).
6. Click Add Drive.
7. Log in to the Dropbox account.
8. If asked, allow ForeFlight to access its folder within Dropbox. ForeFlight automatically adds two subfolders, Apps and ForeFlight, to the root DropBox folder.
9. Select the Sharing and Sync options.
10. Select Save.
11. Add supported file types to the /Dropbox/Apps/ForeFlight folder to view them in ForeFlight.
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