The CFI Assistant feature of CloudAhoy is programmed to score several maneuvers during flight, one of which is departures. Two specific parameters are being scored during a departure:
- The indicated airspeed between 30 - 150 feet AGL
- The indicated airspeed between 150 - 1000 feet AGL
The first thing a pilot can do to ensure accurate scoring is to ensure the V-Speeds are entered for the aircraft they are flying. This can be done by going to the Debrief page and clicking the V-Speed button. The VX and VY speeds are the two values used for departure scoring.
NOTE: There may be instances where an aircraft's takeoff profile requires an airspeed higher or lower than Vx or VY. In this instance, enter airspeeds in the Vx, VY V-Speed windows that most accurately represent your climb profile to 1000' AGL.
The goal airspeeds entered in the V-Speeds window will be displayed in the Goal column for the 30 - 150 feet row (Vx) and the 150 - 1000 feet row (VY). The example below shows Vx = 60 kts and VY = 76 kts.
The CFI Assistant requires an airspeed of no less than Vx for the altitudes 30 - 150 feet AGL and VY until 1000 feet. The 150 - 1000 feet AGL range allows for speeds below VY but could lower scoring. If the airspeed drops below Vx at any point during the departure between either climb segment, the CFI Assistant assigns a score of 0 to that segment.
In the picture below, the actual airspeed during the 30 - 150 feet AGL climb segment had portions below 60 knots (Vx), resulting in a score of 0. The actual airspeed during the 150 - 1000 feet AGL climb segment reached the VY speed of 76 knots, and because the airspeed never dropped below 60 knots (Vx) and airspeed was maintained above VY, a score of 100 was awarded.
The "Total" weighted score for this departure maneuver was 67. Accurate V-Speeds and airspeeds closer to the takeoff profile would easily result in a higher score.
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