ForeFlight users can record a flight and import the track log to CloudAhoy. It is a convenient alternative to recording the flight using the CloudAhoy app. Using a Sentry, Stratus, or other compatible device with ForeFlight will increase the accuracy of the recorded data and include AHRS data if importing a KML file.
To import ForeFlight track logs into the CloudAhoy iOS app, follow these steps:
STEP 1. Open the ForeFlight Mobile app.
STEP 2. Navigate to Track Logs.
STEP 3. Select the flight to import.
STEP 4. Tap the Share button in the upper right corner.
STEP 6. Tap the CloudAhoy button.
STEP 7. Enter the flight information and tap the Import button.
Once the process is complete, the flight will appear in the Debrief tab in CloudAhoy.
Watch the tutorial video below on importing track logs from ForeFlight for a visual demonstration.
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