If you don't have any available coverages to activate in ForeFlight, you can easily deactivate your coverages in JeppFD to free up space.
Press the HOME button on your iPad and tap on the Apple SETTINGS APP icon . Scroll down in the left-hand bar until you reach the list of installed apps. Tap on JeppFD and scroll to the very bottom of its list of settings until you see the Deactivate line. Turn the Deactivate switch ON by tapping the slider next to Deactivate so that the switch surround turns green.
Image 1. Enable the Deactivate switch at the bottom of JeppFD's settings in the Apple Settings app.
Now, leave the Apple Settings app and open the JeppFD app to confirm the deactivation. You should see an onscreen message asking you to confirm the deactivation. Tap PROCEED to finalize the deactivation.
Image 2. Tap PROCEED after opening JeppFD to confirm the deactivation.
Deactivating your coverages in JeppFD will remove all user data and downloads from the app, and will free up your coverage to be used in ForeFlight. See How do I link and activate my Jeppesen subscription in ForeFlight Mobile for instructions on how to activate the coverage in ForeFlight.
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