The Currency Summary in ForeFlight Logbook is based on both flight activity and aircraft data. If currency items do not display expected values, tap on the currency line item to bring up a view that shows the days remaining, currency requirements, and entries affecting the currency.
If a currency item does not display the expected value, review qualifying entries for the following:
- Entry Date: Ensure the date is accurate, as an incorrect date affects currency calculations.
- Aircraft Setup: Ensure that the aircraft in the Logbook is correctly set up in terms of category/class, gear type, engine type, complex, TAA, etc. For example, a Caravan on floats should be listed as an Airplane Single Engine Sea (ASES), and a Citation jet as an Airplane Multi Engine Land (AMEL). Adjustments can be made by navigating to More > Logbook > Aircraft or by tapping on the aircraft in a logbook entry and selecting Edit.
- Piloting Time Type: Verify that the piloting time (PIC, SIC) is correctly entered in the Times section.
- Landing Counts: Check the Takeoffs & Landings section to confirm the landing count in qualifying entries.
- Instrument Currency: For instrument currency, review logged approaches and holds within the last 6 months in the Instruments section.
- Flight Tags: Use appropriate tags in the Flight Tags section, such as “IPC” for check-rides or IPC/ICC entries that reset instrument currency.
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