To add notes, such as company name or address, to a receipt or invoice, follow these steps:
STEP 1. Log into the account using ForeFlight on the Web.
NOTE: Chrome is recommended for better printing results.
STEP 2. Select the Account view using the menu on the left (The button may be your name).
STEP 3. Select the Account tab at the top.
STEP 4. Find the receipt or invoice where notes need to be added and select Add Notes to Receipt.
STEP 5. Input the desired details (e.g., company name and address) to appear on the receipt.
STEP 6. Click Save to confirm the notes.
STEP 7. Click View Receipt.
STEP 8. Scroll to the bottom of the previewer.
STEP 9. Select Print Receipt. Depending on the computer's options, the receipt can be printed on paper or saved as a PDF.
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