If an aircraft does not consume fuel symmetrically, there should be a fuel moment table located in the flight manual. If your aircraft has a fuel moment table, select Variable Fuel Station when creating a weight and balance profile.
When Variable Fuel Station is selected, the Fuel Moment Table appears. The Fuel Moment Table specifies the fuel moment at various loads. The Fuel Moment Table in your flight manual will need to be manually copied to the Fuel Moment Table in the weight and balance profile during setup.
Ensure the variable fuel moment table units of measure (lbs, in, etc.) match what is entered into the Fuel Moment Table.
To add a Fuel Moment Table:
1. Select the Variable Fuel Station option.
2. Select Add Fuel Moment to add additional rows to the table.
3. Manually enter the fuel weight and corresponding moment for all rows in the flight manual’s Moment Table.
Copying Fuel Moment Table to Weight & Balance Profile
NOTE: If your aircraft utilizes a fuel schedule and a prebuilt template exists for your aircraft, fuel scheduling, is respected. Fuel scheduling is not yet supported when creating a profile from a blank template.
NOTE: The fuel moment table does not need to be entered in order, but it is recommended.
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