A Delay in the route should only be used and filed in the United States of America (U.S.A). If a Delay is used in a route outside of the U.S.A., it will cause your flight plan to be rejected by Air Traffic Control (ATC). See the following article on how to file Delay at a waypoint within your flight plan in the U.S.A.:
How do I file a delay at a waypoint within my flight plan?
Adding the word "Delay" in the Remarks section of the flight plan should not be used for flight plans in the U.S.A.
A Stay in the route should only be used and filed in Europe. A Stay, also known as a Delay in Europe, should not be used in the U.S.A. Filing a Stay outside of Europe will cause your flight plan to be rejected by ATC. See the following article on how to file a Stay at a waypoint within a flight plan in Europe:
How do I file a STAY at a waypoint within my flight plan in Europe?
Adding the word "Delay" in the Remarks section of the flight plan should not be used for flight plans in Europe.
File STAY in route to receive a EuroControl Acknowledgement
The STAY indicator shall follow the point at which the STAY is to start, separated from that point by a space. The STAY indicator shall consist of the letters "STAY," a sequence number followed by a / then four numbers giving the time in hours and minutes for which that flight shall be operating under the STAY condition.
The entry point to the STAY area and the exit point from the STAY area may be the same or different points.
Delay in the Remarks Section. (RMK/ )
Adding the word "Delay" in the Remarks section of the flight plan should be used in Canada, Mexico, and all other parts of the world. See the following article on how to add Remarks in the flight plan:
How do I add a Remark to my flight plan in ForeFlight?
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