This article outlines steps to create a Weight & Balance (W&B) profile hyperlink, and then add it to a document that can be shared within a group account. It precludes the need to email the W&B profile to all the group members. It also allows for the sharing of multiple profiles within one document.
STEP 1. Create a W&B profile within the ForeFlight Mobile app.
STEP 2. Select the SEND TO icon (upper right-hand corner) and then MAIL to email yourself the profile with a hyperlink.
From within the W&B profile, select SEND TO and MAIL
STEP 3. From the received email, right-click on the hyperlink and select COPY LINK.
Right-click on the profile link and select COPY LINK
STEP 4. Paste the hyperlink from the email into a Word document created for housing W&B profiles.
Paste the copied hyperlink (hyperlink URL shown above) into your document
STEP 5. Highlight the hyperlink. Right-click the highlighted hyperlink and select COPY.
Highlight the link and then right-click and select HYPERLINK
STEP 7. Paste the hyperlink into the “Link To:” box, and then enter the display name for the aircraft W&B link. Select OK when complete.
Paste the hyperlink and add display text for the link
STEP 8. The aircraft profile will now be shown as the display name you entered. The text is hyperlinked.
Word Document showing aircraft name
STEP 9. In the Word Menu Bar, tap FILE > SAVE AS and assign the document name you wish to give it. Below that, in the “File Format” selector, use the dropdown to select PDF. Before Tapping the Export button, select BEST FOR ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTION AND ACCESSIBILITY. Tap “EXPORT.
Naming and saving as a PDF file
STEP 10. The file is now a PDF. It can be placed in the Shared Document folder (DropBox, Box, or S3) where it will be available for all users in the group account.
Completed PDF document
1: Setting up Shared Document integration is a separate step and should be completed prior to the creation and placement of this document.
2: Adding links to additional W&B profiles requires editing the original Word document and then recreating the PDF file to replace the original version. If the user prefers, a separate PDF file can be created for each aircraft.
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