Beginning December 18, 2020, Satcom Direct Routers Gateway with firmware versions prior to 1.22.0 will require additional configuration. To restore functionality, a Satcom Direct software update is required.
For owners/operators that are unable to immediately update their Satcom Direct Router Gateway, there is another option. Please ensure that you have the minimum required ForeFlight Mobile software version 10.2 installed before attempting the following steps.
1: Find the IP address of your Satcom Direct Router Gateway. Open the Settings app on your iPad or iPhone and connect to the Satcom Direct Router Gateway Wi-Fi network. Once connected, tap the blue info button for the SDR Gateway Wi-Fi network. Note the IP address listed on the "Router" row for later use.
Image 1. Satcom Direct Router IP Address.
2: Tap the Satcom Direct Router. Open ForeFlight Mobile and select MORE > DEVICES. If your SDR Gateway has the affected software, the following error message will be shown. Tap the blue Satcom Direct Router tile to reveal the status page.
Image 2. Satcom Direct Router Devices page.
3: Edit the Connection. From the Satcom Direct Router Status page, tap Connection to configure your IP Address.
Image 3. Satcom Direct Router status page.
4: Configure the IP address. Enter the IP address of your Satcom Direct Router Gateway from Step 1 and tap Use IP Address.
Image 4. IP Address pop-up.
5: Verify the connection. After entering your IP address and tapping Use IP Address, ForeFlight will automatically establish the connection. After a successful connection, the device page should look similar to the image below.
Image 5. Successfully connected Satcom Direct Router.
Note: - If the wrong IP address is entered, or if moving to a different aircraft, repeat steps 1 - 5 to change or clear the IP address. Once SDR Gateway firmware 1.22.0 or later is installed, the above steps will become obsolete.
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