A flight with zero wind conditions can be planned in ForeFlight Mobile (on iOS devices such as the iPhone and iPad) on the Maps page. To do so, use the ETD button in the NavLog to enter an ETD that is greater than seven days out from the present date and time.
Here is the logic for the use of wind data in calculations on the Maps view NavLog:
-An ETD in the past is treated as the present time, and forecast winds are used.
-An ETD of now to seven days out in the future uses forecast winds.
-An ETD beyond seven days out uses zero winds in calculations.
The Flights view will not allow for viewing flights with 0 winds in the calculation. Here is the logic for the use of wind data in calculations on the Flight view:
-An ETD in the past is treated as the present time, and forecast winds are used.
-An ETD of now to seven days out in the future uses forecast winds.
-An ETD beyond seven days out uses historical winds in calculations.
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