PDC is available at no cost to customers on Performance Plus or Business Performance plans. To register for PDC, follow these steps:
STEP 1. Log into ForeFlight Web.
STEP 2. Select Aircraft from the left menu.
STEP 3. Select the Aircraft that will be registered for PDC. The Aircraft Setup page will be shown.
STEP 4. Select Enable in the Pre Departure Clearance field.
STEP 5. In the popover, answer the questions about aircraft ownership and the current PDC status with other vendors.
STEP 6. Select Continue.
STEP 7. In the next view, check all of the boxes that apply.
STEP 8. Select Send PDC Request. A confirmation will show that the request was sent. The account holder will also receive an acknowledgment email. The activation process may take up to seven days. If further information is needed, one of our Pilot Support Team members will contact the account holder.
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