The flight plan field CODE is in Other Information, that specifies the 6 hexadecimal character value assigned to your mode-S transponder. The value is directly related to your registration number, and you can find it in the FAA Aircraft Registry or Canadian Civil Aircraft Registry records for your aircraft.
For the FAA Aircraft Registry, click on the link above. Search the registry using the aircraft’s registration number, and find the Mode S Code (base 16 / hex) field located under the Aircraft Description section.
Canadian Civil Aircraft Registry
For the Canadian Civil Aircraft Registry, click on the link above. Search the registry using the aircraft’s registration number and find the Mode-S Code (base 16 / hex) field located under the 24 Bit Address: section.
To enter the transponder hex code for your aircraft into an ICAO flight plan, please do the following:
- Go to More > Aircraft and tap on the Aircraft Profile.
- Scroll down to the FILING section and tap Other Information.
- Enter the HEX code for that aircraft in the CODE field.
- Now, when you file a flight plan using that aircraft profile, the Hex code will be included.
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