This article will help you troubleshoot an issue where METARs are not displaying on the Airports page.
STEP 1: Do you have a working internet connection on your device? You can test this by trying to visit various websites using the Safari app.
No: Stop here. Please connect to a working internet connection.
Yes: Continue to Step 2.
STEP 2: Is your Date & Time setting set up correctly? To check this, open the devices SETTINGS APP and go to GENERAL > DATE & TIME and make sure the switch is ON next to SET AUTOMATICALLY and that your TIME ZONE is correct.
No: Stop here: Please turn the switch ON next to SET AUTOMATICALLY and set the TIME ZONE to the correct zone.
Yes: Continue to Step 3.
STEP 3: Is your ForeFlight app connected to any devices? To check this go to MORE > DEVICES.
No: Please contact our Pilot Support Team for further assistance.
Yes: Stop here. Disconnect that device.
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