When a track log is opened with Google Earth, altitude information is not readily visible. To view altitude information, follow these steps:
STEP 1. Import the Track Log into Google Earth. For additional information, see this support article:
How do I view a track log in Google Earth on my computer?
STEP 2. Select Edit.
STEP 3. Select Show Elevation Profile.
If Show Elevation Profile is selectable, the elevation profile will display as pictured below, and no further steps are necessary.
If Show Elevation Profile is not selectable, proceed with the remaining steps.
STEP 4. Expand the Places section.
STEP 5. Expand the Temporary Places folder.
STEP 6. Expand the track log sub-folder to view all of its contents.
STEP 7. Click the track log sub-folder to deselect all of its contents.
Once the contents of the track log subfolder have been deselected, select only the track log (in this example, named KSZP-KSZP). The Show Elevation Profile option becomes available once only the track log is selected.
Show Elevation Profile available
NOTE: Deselect all contents of the track log folder and then reselect only the track log. If only the track log start point is deselected, the Show Elevation Profile option will not be selectable.
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