To receive emails about filed flight plans, consider the following scenarios based on the type of ForeFlight account:
Single-Pilot Accounts
The Weather Summary email is sent to:
- The email address entered in the File form.
- The ForeFlight account email address (if different from the one in the File form).
Multi-Pilot Accounts with Per Pilot Sign-On
The Weather Summary email is sent to:
- The email address entered in the File form.
- The pilot's personal ForeFlight account email address (if different from the one in the File form).
No email is sent to the account administrator.
Multi-Pilot Accounts with Single Sign-On
The Weather Summary email is sent to:
- The email address entered in the File form.
- The account administrator's email address (if different from the one in the File form).
Adding Additional Recipients
To send flight plan updates (e.g., expected route notifications) to others, include multiple email addresses in the File form by separating them with commas. This can be done on both iPads and iPhones.
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