To overlay geo-referenced plates on the Maps view, a ForeFlight Pro Plus, Performance Plus, Business Pro, or Business Performance subscription is required.
Plates can be sent to the Maps view from the following five places:
Airports View: Sending a Plate to Maps from the Airports View
To display a plate on the map from the Airports view, follow these steps:
- Go to the Airports view.
- Find the airport with the plates to view.
- Tap Procedure.
- Find the plate to send to Maps.
- Tap Map next to the desired plate.
Maps View: Sending a Plate to Maps From the Maps Airport Information View
To display a plate on the map from the Maps Airport Information view, follow these steps:
- Go to the Maps View.
- Tap on an airport on the Map to display its details.
- Tap Procedure.
- Tap the appropriate sub-tab.
- Find the plate to send to Maps.
- Tap Map next to the desired plate.
Maps View: Sending a Plate to Maps from the Route (FPL) Editor
To display a plate on the map from the Route (FPL) Editor, follow these steps:
- Go to the Maps View.
- Tap on the FPL button in the top bar.
- In the FPL Editor, tap Edit.
- Add an airport or a route in the FPL Editor.
- Tap on an airport in the FPL Editor to display a list of actions.
- Tap Show Plate.
- Select the appropriate plate to send to the Map.
Maps View: Sending a Plate to Maps from the Procedure Advisor
To display a plate on the map from the Procedure Advisor, follow these steps:
- Go to the Maps View.
- Tap on the FPL button in the top bar.
- In the FPL Editor, tap Edit.
- Add an airport or a route in the FPL Editor.
- In the FPL Editor, tap Procedure to open Procedure Advisor.
- Select Approach.
- Select the appropriate plate (and transition if applicable) to send to the Map.
- Tap Add to Route at the bottom.
Plates View: Sending a Plate to Maps from the Plates View
To display a plate on the map from the Plates View, follow these steps:
- Go to the Plates View.
- Select the appropriate plate to send to the Map.
- Tap the Send To icon at the upper right.
- Tap Map.
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