Starting in ForeFlight Mobile 15.5, Performance-tier users can set a default reserve policy for their aircraft or a specific reserve policy for each flight. The available reserve policies depend on each user's subscription region.
What is a Reserve Policy?
A reserve policy is a method for calculating reserve fuel based on regulatory requirements. When planning a flight, ForeFlight will calculate reserve fuel, including any additional or contingency fuel, based on either the default reserve fuel policy or the fuel policy manually selected for your flight.
Setting Your Aircraft's Default Reserve Policy
To set a default reserve policy for your aircraft, open the Aircraft view, scroll down to the FUEL section, and tap Reserve Policy. Select from the available options listed in the table below.
Setting a New Reserve Policy per Flight
To manually select a reserve policy for a specific flight (instead of using your aircraft's default reserve policy), open the Flights view, scroll down to the FUEL section, locate the Reserve Fuel row, and tap Policy. Select from the available options listed in the table below.
Reserve Policy Options
Depending on your ForeFlight subscription’s region, there are up to nine reserve policies to choose from. The table below describes which policies are available per region.
Reserve Fuel Policies Per Subscription Region
NOTE: Reserve Policy availability is based on the subscription’s region, not the region of the planned flight. Dispatch customers have access to all Reserve Policies.
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