Yes, an ICAO IFR flight plan can be filed for routes to and from the US, as well as within Canada, Australia, Europe, the Caribbean, the Bahamas, and Mexico.
International VFR ICAO flight plans may be filed and will be routed through Leidos Flight Service (formerly Lockheed Martin) if departing from or arriving in the USA, and to other countries equivalent of the US FSS by our servers; however, there is no assurance that the flight plan will be accepted by other countries.
Many countries have their own requirements and may require fees or manual documentation for flight plans. It is recommended that the pilot contact the local authority for specific information about what is involved in complying with their requirements.
For international VFR flights that cross the US ADIZ, these are routed to the US FSS and must comply with the DVFR flight plan requirements, See How do I file a Defense VFR (DVFR) flight plan?
For international flights, pilots should ensure they are in compliance with all rules and regulations governing their flight.
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